Al Falah Academy’s PreK3 to 5th grade Elementary School provides a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where Muslim identity is formed.
Our PreK3 and PreK4 classes implement the GELDS (Georgia Early Learning Developmental) Standards, which provides a foundation for all learning. Both a lead and an assistant teacher are present in each class all day to guide students. Students’ motor skills development, social and emotional self-regulation and interpersonal skills, and growth in the development of attention and persistence enable youngsters to become more aware of self and others. The introduction of core subjects like math, science, and social/community studies, with special focus on communication skills, will be the foundation of their cognitive development, important to problem-solving and thinking skills. Early reading skills are a top focus in this period. Creativity is unleashed, with art and drama activities that light up students’ imaginations. The Qur’an is introduced by listening to the sounds and reciting and memorizing short surahs, then extending to Arabic alphabet and vocabulary studies. Islamic stories, songs, and du’as become a daily routine, to provide a strong foundation of Muslim identity.
In Kindergarten through 3rd Grades, we offer self-contained classrooms and up-to-date, highly-rated curricular resources that prioritize mastery of basic skills. In 4th and 5th grades, we help students adjust to upper levels by gradually introducing them to departmentalized structures, so that by 5th grade, students experience different teachers for core subjects, helping them to gain organizational skills. We offer Regular and Advanced sections of math. All classes K-5 take Art and Physical Education courses twice-weekly, for holistic development.
Our curriculum extends critical thinking with PBL units—problem-based learning units that integrate the themes of the standards for each semester into exciting adventures which include a required Field Study to a site that brings the subject alive. Expert Visitors bring the real world into the classroom. Every PBL unit integrates Islamic values and history, so that all learning is ultimately seen as opportunities for advocacy, problem-solving, and engagement in making a difference in the world for the sake of Allah and what is right, as taught in our Qur’anic principles.
The capstone of the PBL unit is the Celebration of Learning (COL), in which students present their unit to an audience of parents and supporters; students lead as teachers are in the background, having guided the students on a journey in learning targets from the standards, united by a narrative of real-life experiences.
Qur’an classes start with a focus on mastery of Qur’anic Phonics with our in-house teacher-created workbooks and videos. Students through 5th grade memorize segments of Qur’an while growing in understanding of tajweed recitation rules as well as themes in Qur’an. Students master the conventions of the daily salah and du’as. Arabic classes provide students with instruction that matches national ACTFL world language communication standards as they study all 4 language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Daily Islamic Studies classes build the identity of our elementary school students, giving them the foundational domains of our faith: the 5 pillars and 6 beliefs as taught in the Qur’an; the biography of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), known as seerah; manners adab, rulings and guidelines for daily living (fiqh), and important lessons in character akhlaaq that help student navigate identity, friendships, and how to be a good Muslim who benefits family and community.
After school, students enjoy a variety of clubs, competitions, and activities that are co-curricular, such as Spelling Bee and Candy Chemistry, or extra-curricular, such as crocheting or Kilometer Kids running club. We have a hugely popular Cub Scouting program for both boys and girls. We offer an After-School Care program, at a separate fee, from 3:30-6:00pm, and the snack, homework time, and outdoor play time are held in a safe, supervised setting till parents are ready to pick up their students.