Parent involvement plays a significant role at AFA.
We at Al Falah Academy have an established Parent Teacher Organization. This organization gives our parents more opportunities to enhance and improve the school in 3 key areas:
- Educational enrichment to help teachers increase academic achievement
- Family Fun activities to build community spirit and togetherness
- Fund-raising to finance improvements and enrichment activities
YOUR participation is vital! We want a diverse group of parents or grandparents who will commit time and energy to establish a vibrant, active Parent Teacher Organization. Research confirms what we all know from experience: parental involvement in school increases achievement and satisfaction. The PTO will make decisions on what areas to focus on, recruit parent volunteers, and delegate tasks so that many people work together to achieve our goals for our school and children.
Let’s join together to take Al Falah Academy to the next level! May Allah guide us and reward our efforts to build a strong community.
Some examples that other schools have started include:
- Starting an after-school program of clubs and sports
- Coordinating ways for parents to help teachers in the classroom
- Organizing fun events that build spirit, like our upcoming Eid ul Adha event
- Fund-raising to target money to buy specific things or services that improve the school
Additional Information
PTO Charter
The name of the PTO is the Al Falah Academy Parent Teacher Organization, hereafter referred to as the PTO. It is the local parent-teacher PTO organized under authority of Al Falah Academy.
Section 1: The PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Al Falah Academy by fostering relationships among the school, parents, and teachers. The purposes of the PTO, in common with those of Al Falah Academy, are:
- To promote the welfare of children in the home, school, community and place of worship.
- To strengthen academic, social, and spiritual standards in the school and home.
- To more closely ally the home and the school so that parents, teachers, and school administration may communicate and cooperate in the educational development of all children.
- To develop united efforts between educators, parents, and the community in gaining the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education for all children.
- To strengthen the relationship between home, school, and community so as to promote a sense of belonging, service, and commitment.
- To promote traditional ethics and values as they pertain to one’s role in the home, school, and community.
- To promote learning as a life-long process.
Section 2: The purposes of the PTO are promoted through an educational program directed toward parents, teachers and the general public; are developed through conferences, committees, projects, and programs; and are governed by the basic policies set forth by Al Falah Academy.
Section 3: This PTO is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, social, and educational purposes.
Section 1: Every individual who is a parent of a student attending Al Falah Academy, teacher, or staff member employed by the school is, by virtue of that fact, a member of this PTO, and is entitled to all benefits of such membership.
Section 2: Membership in this PTO shall be made available without regard to race, color, creed, religion, or national origin.
Section 3. Dues, if any, will be established by the executive board. If dues are charged, a member must have paid his or her dues at least 14 calendar days before the meeting to be considered a member in good standing with voting rights.
Section 1: The PTO shall be noncommercial, nonpartisan; and shall not discriminate based on race, religion, nationality or ethnic origin.
Section 2: The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to promote a commercial concern or endorse any partisan interest not appropriately related to promotion of the purposes of this PTO.
Section 3: No part of the net earnings of the PTO shall be used to benefit its members, officers, or other private persons except as authorized by majority vote of the members to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered or goods acquired in the furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II of this Charter.
Section 4: The PTO shall keep permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish gross income, receipts and disbursements for all moneys collected from fund raising activities and events. Such books of account and records shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by the general membership.
Section 6: The charter of this PTO shall be subject to withdrawal and its status terminated as directed by the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees.
Section 7: Upon the dissolution of this organization, and after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the PTO, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more funds as directed by the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees.
Section 1: In order to carry out the policies and purposes of this PTO as stated herein, and to enact the provisions of this Charter, persons will be elected to serve as the PTO Board of Officers, hereafter referred to as the executive board.
Section 2: The executive board will oversee, endorse and/or approve the activities of the PTO standing committees.
Section 3: Decisions reached by the executive board will be made through majority vote of the members present and approval of the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees. For decisions concerning the expenditure of funds, three members must be present.
Section 4: The executive board shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Teacher representative.
Section 5: No person shall hold more than one office at the same time.
Section 6: An officer shall not be eligible to serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office. An officer who has served more than one-half of a term shall be credited with having served that term. Terms of service run from July 1 to June 30.
Section 7: Nominations and Elections. Elections will be held at the second to last meeting of the school year. There shall be a nominating committee consisting of three members, two of whom shall be members of the executive board and one who shall come from the general membership. The nominating committee shall select a candidate for each office and present the slate at a meeting held one month prior to the election. At that meeting, nominations may also be made from the floor. Voting shall be by voice vote if a slate is presented. If more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote shall be taken. Only those persons who have consented to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office. Officers will be elected by majority vote of the general membership.
Section 8: If no nominations are received from the general membership by the date specified, the Principal or the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees shall solicit nominations. In certain cases, the Principal or the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees may appoint board members and committee chairpersons.
Section 9: A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the executive board. If a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the vice president shall serve in that capacity. A new vice president shall then be elected by the executive board.
Section 10: Removal From Office. Officers can be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of the executive board of those present (assuming a quorum) at a regular meeting where previous notice has been given.
Section 1: President shall—
- Supervise the business and affairs of the PTO and perform the duties as necessary to ensure that the policies and provisions of this Charter are carried out in accordance with procedures set forth herein.
- Have trusteeship for the PTO.
- Sign and execute all agreements, recommendations, decisions and/or acts in the name of the PTO.
- Preside at all meetings of the PTO, the executive board, and the executive committees at which he/she may be present.
- With the exception of the nominating committee, serve as an ex officio member of all committees.
- In cooperation with the executive board , endorse the recommendations of the standing committees and expenditure of all funds.
- In the name of the executive board, submit for approval all endorsed board and committee recommendations and those actions involving the procurement and expenditure of funds.
Section 2: Vice President shall—
- Perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to perform his/her duties.
- Act as the executive board representative to oversee the activities of the standing committees.
- Assist the board president as necessary in the execution of the provisions of this Charter.
Section 3: The Secretary shall—
- Record the minutes of all meetings of the PTO and the executive board.
- Maintain a permanent file of the minutes, committee reports, membership lists, and records pertaining to the work of this PTO.
- Keep the official copy of this Charter, all amendments and related documents.
- Conduct the correspondence of the PTO and send notices of meetings as required.
- Assist the board president as necessary in the execution of the provisions of this Charter.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall—
- Have custody of all funds of the PTO.
- Keep full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and maintain records of all financial transactions to reflect the fiscal history of the PTO to include logs, ledgers, and check books.
- Make deposits and disbursements as authorized by the executive board, Principal, or the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees according to procedures established by this Charter.
- Present a financial statement at every meeting of the PTO and at other times when requested by the executive board.
- Present an annual financial report during the month of May.
- Assist the board president as necessary in the execution of the provisions of this Charter.
Section 5: The Teacher Representative shall—
- Act as advocate for the school faculty and staff on all issues presented to the board.
- Assist the board president as necessary in the execution of the provisions of this Charter.
Section 1: Regular meetings of the PTO shall be held at least five times during the school year. The dates and times will be determined by the executive board. Notices of meeting times and dates will be promulgated at least 10 days prior to meeting dates.
Section 2: Only members of the PTO may present motions or vote on issues presented to the general membership.
Section 3: The annual meeting will be held at the 2nd to last regular meeting. The annual meeting is for receiving reports, electing officers, and conducting other business that should arise. The secretary will notify the members of the meetings in a flyer sent home with the students at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 4: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president, any two members of the executive board, or five general members submitting a written request to the secretary. Previous notice of the special meeting shall be sent to the members at least 10 days prior to the meeting, by flyer and phone calls.
Section 5: Quorum. The quorum shall be 7 members of the organization.
Section 1: The standing committees of this PTO shall be: Fund Raising Committee, Family Activities Committee, Teacher Support and Marketing and Publicity Committee.
Section 2: Only members of the PTO shall be eligible to serve in any elective or appointive position on a standing committee.
Section 3: The executive board may create such standing committees as it deems necessary to carry out the work of the PTO.
Section 4: Standing committees are subordinate to the executive board and may exercise such autonomy and decision making authority as granted by the executive board. Actions concerning the following shall be endorsed by the executive board prior to implementation—
- Obligating or spending PTO funds.
- Committing to, adding, changing, or eliminating a fund raising activity.
- Using the PTO name in promoting causes or endorsing actions not previously approved by the executive board, Principal or the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees.
- Collecting, securing, handling and depositing funds obtained for the purpose of promoting the goals of this organization.
Section 5: Each standing committee will have a chairperson who is nominated by the executive board and elected by majority vote of the PTO members.
Section 6: Committee chairpersons shall attend all meetings of their committee and be available upon request to address the executive board on issues relevant to the committee.
Section 7: The chairperson of each standing committee shall prepare a Plan of Action which contains the annual goals of the committee and a blueprint for achieving those goals. This Plan of Action will be submitted to the executive board on a date specified by the board. Subsequent changes to this plan shall be provided to the executive board.
Section 8: Chairpersons may appoint sub-committees as necessary to carry out the duties of the standing committee.
Section 9: Chairpersons shall ensure that an After Event Report is prepared after every fund raising activity or major committee event. This report shall contain, as a minimum—
- Name and type of event
- Names, phone numbers, and addresses of principle contacts involved in the planning and execution of the event.
- Actions that went well and actions that did not go well during the planning and execution of the event.
- Recommendations for future events.
Section 10: The executive board, Principal or the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees may create special committees to study and act upon specific issues as deemed appropriate.
Section 11: Purposes for the PTO standing committees are outlined in appendix 1.
Section 1: The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be used in conducting the business of the board.
Section 2: Issues presented to the board for endorsement or approval will be subject to a vote by the board . All actions calling for the expenditure of funds must be approved by a majority vote of the members present. A minimum of three voting members must be present in order to submit an action to vote.
Section 3: All actions requiring the expenditures of funds must be cosigned by the Treasurer and a minimum of two other board members.
Section 4: The executive board shall meet at least monthly on a date determined by the majority of the board.
All funds raised by the PTO in any form shall be considered the property of the school but will be administered by the Executive Board and kept in a separate bank account.
Section 1. A tentative budget shall be drafted in the fall for each school year and approved by a majority vote of the members present.
Section 2. The treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income, and bank account information.
Section 3. The board shall approve all expenses of the organization.
Section 4. Two authorized signatures shall be required on each check over the amount of $200. Authorized signers shall be the president, treasurer, and principal.
Section 5. The treasurer shall prepare a financial statement at the end of the year, to be reviewed by the Audit Committee.
Section 6. Upon the dissolution of the organization, any remaining funds should be used to pay any outstanding bills and, with the membership’s approval, spent for the benefit of the school.
Section 7. The fiscal year shall coordinate with the school year.
Section 1: This Charter becomes effective upon ratification by the general membership and authentication by the Principal and the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees
Section 2: This Charter may be revised or amended upon approval of the Al Falah Academy Board of Trustees and Principal, a 2/3 majority vote of the board, and subsequent ratification by majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the general membership.
Section 3: Amendments to this Charter become effective upon ratification and shall not be retroactive.
Section 3. Procedures.
- Duty To Disclose. In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an interested person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the directors and members of committees with governing board-delegated powers who are considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
- Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists. After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the governing board or committee meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining board or committee members shall decide whether a conflict of interest exists.
- Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest.
- An interested person may make a presentation at the governing board or committee meeting, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest.
- The chairperson of the governing board or committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement.
- After exercising due diligence, the governing board or committee shall determine whether the organization can obtain, with reasonable efforts, a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest.
- If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the governing board or committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the organization’s best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination, it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement.
- Violations of the Conflict of Interest Policy.
- If the governing board or committee has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.
- If, after hearing the member’s response and after making further
- Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, are based on competent survey information, and are the result of arm’s length bargaining.
- Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangements with management organizations conform to the organization’s written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes, and do not result in inurement, impermissible private benefit, or an excess benefit transaction.
PTO Leadership
The current PTO leadership members are:
- President: Amira Hijazi
- Vice President: Nasser Syed
- Secretary: Hamdy Salman
- Co-Treasurer: Qamar Islam
- Co-Treasurer: Ahmed Charakla
- Teacher Representative 1: Verinique Cooper
- Teacher Representative 2: Fatoumata Binta Diallo (Sr Bee)
- Digital Media Coordinator: Mohsin Hundekar
- Digital Communications Coordinator: Tenisha Tuncer
- Events Coordinator: Minela Mahmutovic
- Logistics Coordinator: VACANT
- Member-at-Large: Robina Baig
- Member-at-Large: Walaa Elbedewy